Everyone gets a pay off from their current situation, their current state of affairs or even their mediocrity. That's the number one reason why people can complain about their situation for years but whenever they are presented with an opportunity to change it... they always have an excuse. Very often, when people claim to want to change their situation they always leave the door open so that they can retreat back to the comfort of of their current state of affairs - so that they can continue to get the pay off of the "comfort zone". It is much easier for people to RETREAT to the comfort of the uncomfortable known, than to ADVANCE to the challenge of the uncomfortable unknown. What's your take? Do you perhaps have "a friend" who's always talking and talking and talking about how they want to improve their business, lose a kilo or two, finally make some money, etc? Or have you secretly played this game yourself? How long has it been? Four years? Five years? Mhhh! Have you ever wondered what's the pay off might be? Truth be told, I see this every week. Entrepreneurs love this game. Many enjoy this fringe benefit more than they enjoy making real money. When asked to step up - they say "maybe next month", "it's too hot/ too cold", "It's too expensive", "I'm really gonna change things now" (words but no action) - I hear the most entertaining excuses ever! One last thing, last month I hosted an awesome group of entrepreneurs for a private session where I was sharing practical steps on "How To Build A Business That Has Piles Of Cash Reserves". I'm doing it again next Thursday, 15 March. It's here in Sandton. If you'd like to come or have a friend who could use these ideas, you can get a complimentary ticket by Clicking Here. I still have a few tickets to give away. Grab yours now! Take care my friend! I care!
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